Rushdi Abdul Rahman


Rushdi Abdul Rahim is a Senior Vice President in Malaysian Industry Government
Group for High Technology or better known by the acronym MIGHT, a technology
policy think tank under the Malaysia’s Prime Minister Department. He is also the
Director of myForesight ® , Malaysian Foresight Institute. Through MIGHT’s foresight,
trend & horizon scanning activities, Rushdi spent most of his time working with
organizations – private and public – understands and explore the future impacts of
trends as well as disruptions.

He led the completion of major foresight and futures initiatives that shaped
Malaysia’s national policy development including Youth Defined-Shape the Future;
the engagement of youth in foresight, Future Rail 2030; a foresight project for the
development rail industry in Malaysia, Future of Malaysian Public Service –
Beyond 2020; a collaborative project with United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP) and the Public Service Department (JPA) as well as Future of Work –
Work, Workforce, Workplace; looking at the impact of 4th Industrial Revolution to
the nature work, workforce required and the work environment.

Recently he led MIGHT’s team in the collaborative development of Industry 4frwd –
Malaysia’s National Industry 4.0 framework with the Ministry of International Trade
& Industry as well as the National Anti-Corruption Plan with Center for
Governance, Integrity & Anti-Corruption.

He was also the Co-Chair for the working committee on Prioritization of
Technologies for R&D under the National Science and Research Council (NSRC).
Rushdi was also featured as one of the 25 futurist in “Leading Thought’s – How to
Use a Futurist”

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Senior Vice President in Malaysian Industry Government Group for High Technology