Long-term Governance Programme
It is our mission to mobilise the multilateral system and member states to drive long-term governance at a local, national and international level.
Understanding our Common Purpose
The Summit of the Future was a huge opportunity to drive forward this mission.
In September 2024, world leaders came together to agree an international consensus on how we deliver a better present and safeguard the future. Member countries voted to adopt a Pact for the Future and a Declaration for Future Generations “to cement collective agreements and to showcase global solidarity for current and future generations.”
This was the only summit in UN history to focus specifically on the future. We need to meet the potential of this moment to catalyse urgent action for current and future generations across the world.
Working towards global long-term governance
In 2024, we worked towards securing a successful Summit. 2025 and beyond is about mobilising countries to drive future generations’ policy at a local and national level.
We know that there is lots of interesting long-term governance work being done at the local and country level, but it is not feeding through to the international and multilateral stages.
This programme is dedicated to bridging the gap between the different layers of government, both domestically and internationally, to support early adopters in creating a route to innovations and reforms that lead to long-term governance and deliver on the high-ambition Declaration of Future Generations.
We will be doing this through research, weaving regional and global networks, and working in-country with officials and communities to build long-term governance capability.
Weaving Networks to Catalyse Change
We weave, incubate and scale networks of social change agents. We empower people who are working for better futures at a community, systemic and global level.
The Pledge Network
The Pledge Network is an informal collective of more than 100 cross-disciplinary leaders with expertise across futures, foresight, anticipatory governance, well-being and future generations policy.
Next meeting: 16th January 2025
Futures Pioneers
Hosted by our IGF collaboratory, this international network of government officials is building and sharing practice in future generations, wellbeing economics and long -term decision-making.
Visit our Futures Pioneers Webpage →
Next meeting: 15th January 2025
Moving the needle for long-term change
Building Capability for Long-term Governance for Sustainable Development:
Beyond Strategic Planning – Toolkit for Decision Makers
The School of International Futures Triangle
Operationalizing strategic foresight to better support governments in managing SDG trade-offs and synergies in the post-COVID context, World Public Sector report, UN DESA, 2023
Strategy guidance note on strategic planning and foresight, UN DESA Committee of Experts for Public Administration, 2021
How can the UN and the High-Level Political Forum identify and deal with new and emerging issues to meet the 2030 Agenda? Paper for the Friends of Governance for Sustainable Development, 2020
Using foresight methods to adapt development co-operation for the future,” including opinion piece by Achim Steiner (UNDP Administrator), OECD Development Cooperation Report, 2018
Stewardship of the Future: Using Strategic Foresight in 21st Century Governance, UNDP Global Centre for Public Service Excellence, 2015
Summit of the Future Resources:
Declaration for Future Generations
Pact for the Future – Zero Draft
SOIF supported the Welsh Future Generations Commissioner in the drafting of the Wales Protocol for Future Generations, an implementation framework for the Declaration On Future Generations, designed to guide communities and world leaders towards a more sustainable and equitable future.
Summit of the Future Action Package
Toward a Declaration on Future Generations
Implementing a Declaration on Future Generations
A Voice and a Forum for Future Generations
Our Common Agenda: Policy Brief 1 To think and act for Future Generations
The Pledge Network Declaration for Future Generations Written Input