We support our clients to deliver futures insights, capability and change.

What we do

The SOIF team has decades of experience in working with clients on strategic foresight and futures projects, across the public, non-profit, and commercial sectors.

We see foresight as a part of a transformative process that connects head, heart and hands to create meaningful change.

In our work with clients, we also ensure that capability is transferred to the team that we are working with.

Get in touch

Our clients and partners are people who are in a position to drive change for the better.

If you have an idea, project, or would like to understand how we can help you then please reach out.

Foresight Practice

Supporting you to use foresight, futures and participatory approaches

One of the distinctive parts of SOIF’s work is that we draw on a wide range of tools and methods to tailor our approach to your needs. We are agnostic about the ‘how’ and ‘what’, but we are prescriptive about the overall journey. 

Our proven four-stage process helps you through each step of the way–from scoping and horizon scanning, to ordering and sense-making, to identifying implications and integrating outcomes into processes and systems. The second half of the process is where the impact is. 

How we can help

  • Horizon scanning
  • Futures analysis and scenarios
  • Futures workshops and vision development
  • Strategy and policy innovation and testing 
  • Operating models and implementation
  • Capability building
SOIF’s Four stage approach

Foresight Learning

Building your skills and capability to create and sustain change

Learning, skills and capability-building are essential to creating and sustaining change. We work with individuals, organisations and communities to map, support and enable learning, and help you identify opportunities for developing your foresight capability.

  • Annual strategic foresight retreat for decision-makers
  • Training learning programmes that focus on skills, capability and community
  • Foresight capability assessment for teams and organisations
  • Designing and delivering learning and capability-building programmes
  • Advisory and Implementation support
  • Foresight toolkits tailored to your needs
  • Cutting edge foresight research, insights and case studies of good practice

Strategic foresight retreat

Learn the skills you need to understand change and disruption and how to create future-ready organisations in an uncertain and increasingly volatile world. Register for our foresight retreat.

Foresight Transformation

Helping you mobilise and catalyse your system

We work with funders and clients who want to transform whole sectors and countries by thinking about the future in a structured way. We design and implement customised change programmes and advise governments on systemic approaches to improve intergenerational fairness. 

  • Foresight transformation programmes
  • National and community dialogues using participatory approaches
  • Design and delivery of intergenerational dialogues and policy assessments
  • Use of foresight in government, governance, policy and strategic planning
  • Innovation from Next Generation Foresight Practitioners
The transformative foresight triangle

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