Foresight and futures tools are a recognised way of helping organisations, operating units and teams to address issues of strategy or policy, to identify new sources of innovation, to spot risks, or to improve organisational resilience.

1. Better futures through better vision and strategy

21st century organisations need to be completely clear about their purpose. A vision of your overall direction, and clarity about the strategic building blocks to get you there, is essential. Foresight and futures methods help you shape your preferred futures. Then we work with you on a strategic plan to set a direction that involves and engages staff and stakeholders.

2. Better innovation

Innovation is harder than ever. Small improvements don’t drive the scale of change that’s needed in a world where systems are breaking up. Futures and foresight-led approaches let you get a bigger picture of your operating environment, and help you see how to create better outcomes for service users or customers. These build platforms for change that are driven by head, heart and hands.

3. Better risk assessment

In a complex world our systems are increasingly tightly connected. Risks emerge from more places, and in more unexpected ways. Futures and foresight-led approaches help to spot how new issues emerge from your wider operating environment, and how they are connected. This lets you build a new map of risk and response, testing for blindspots–and red-teaming if necessary.

4. Unlocking systems

Futures and foresight work identifies systems and their connections. Understanding complexity is at the heart of this. Our work with you helps you to understand your current systems and see emerging patterns. This lets you reframe your view of the systems you’re a part of and identify points of change that can lead to transformative breakthroughs.

How resilient are you? Find out more ⟶

We can’t control the future. But we can influence it by what we choose to do–and choose not to do.

Wendy Schultz
Facing the future: the business challenge of the 2020s

‘Business as usual’ is no longer enough. It won’t meet the growing pressures from consumers, policymakers and the planet, while also ensuring business value. The old ways of doing strategy are not fit for purpose in this environment. The new decade demands new approaches and new thinking.


Get in touch for more information on our advisory and capability work