Investing in the next generation
Next generation foresight practitioners
The ability of a community to collectively imagine their own futures is a deeply empowering act.
When we look around the world, we can see excellent new foresight practioners enabling exactly that. They are diverse voices that are effectively democratising the futures field.
The Next Generation Foresight Practitioners Award recognises their innovative foresight practice. And showcases their stories of accelerating and scaling change in their communities towards a positive future
The NGFP is a programme, not just a set of awards, and we’re planning a series of new and exciting NGFP initiatives for 2020.
These include:
- An Africa Dialogue and an Asia Colloquium will connect the NGFP Sensing Network and Fellows across these continents. These are planned for September and October, respectively.
- A new Walkabout Prize is in the works for 18 – 25 year olds to embed themselves into communities and report back on emerging insights and trends
- An Emerging Feminist Futures Unconference to explore the role of women in foresight and in shaping the future
If you’re interested in finding out more, or to get involved email
A growing network
We are weaving a self-supporting global network of young futures thinkers. For more information contact