Futures thinking with a social purpose

SOIF seeks to use foresight to help build a better, fairer world for future generations. We partner with like-minded organisations to build new big picture thinking about public and policy issues that makes a difference to communities in the future and in the present.

This thinking typically addresses complex issues where the current systems are breaking down, producing poor outcomes for societies and users. Foresight builds vision, guides action, and tackles complex, systemic barriers to change. We look for solutions that have sustainable operating models and institutional support to enable enduring change.

We have worked with global foundations, governments and NGOs around the world – from Malaysia to Mozambique, Abuja to Oman, Peru to Tonga and in London – to help develop new thinking about systems and networks.

We do not need magic to change the world: we have the power to imagine better

J.K. Rowling


We organise our thought leadership in the following four programmes of work.